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欄目: 英語名言 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.7W

no body grows old merely by a number of years, we grow old by deserting our ideas. 人們漸長漸老不僅因為歲月的流失,更多的是因為我們對自己理想的背棄。


we talk much,we love only a little,and we hate too much; 我們説的多了,愛的卻少了,我們的仇恨也更多了。


admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. 要私下告誡朋友,但是要公開誇獎朋友。

he measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out. 衡量一個人真正的品質,要看他在知道永遠也不會被人發現的情況下做些什麼。

in love and cooking, you must give 100% effort... but expect little appreciation無論是烹飪還是愛情,都用百分之百的負責態度對待,但是不要乞求太多的回報。

英語短句]1)he cheats on her=他揹着她偷吃;2) don’t tease me=別挖哭/諷我;3)please make room=請借過;4)nice going=幹得好/漂亮;5)walls have ears=隔牆有耳;6) everything is in order?=一切都就緒/準備好了嗎?7)it paid off={辛苦付出}是值的且已得到回報了

snap out of it!= [別再糾結難過]振作起來!;2) just let your hair down=你就好好放輕鬆[男女皆適用];3) deal != 咱們就這麼説定了/一言為定! ;4) no biggie=沒事[沒啥大不了的];5) thumbs-up to you!=你表現很贊!加油!;6)you are so “anal” ['einl] =你很”嘰歪/難搞”

it is a great ability to be able to conceal one's ability. 深藏不露是一種了不起的才能。

實用#英語短句#] 1)don’t let it get to you= 別為這事心煩/苦惱;2)this too will pass=這糾結或痛苦終究會過去的;3)love me; love my dog=愛屋及烏;4)such a 3d loser=真是個幺蛾子[字面指“三維的庸才”,邊説此話,手可在額頭前擺如圖的手勢];5)it’s finger-licking good=這玩意真是“吮指美味”啊

real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. that is the art of life.真正的美麗源於生命裏的學習、成長和熱愛。這就是的藝術。

money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most.薪水固然重要,但這工作伴隨而來的責任更吸引我.

a smile is like a sim card and life is like a mobile phone. whenever you insert the sim card of a smile, a beautiful day is activated.—— 微笑就如sim卡,而生活好比手機。把微笑的sim卡插入生活的手機,美好的一天就激活了。


[如何#迴應道歉#的#英語#短句]:當別人道歉,説 i am sorry,你要表達"沒事"/“沒關係”,可以説:1) don't worry about it!;;2) no worries!;3) don't sweat it!;4) no sweat!;5) never mind it!;6) it's all cool!;7) it's okay!;8) it's alright!;9) it's fine!

always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but i never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry. 我知道再回首時,那些眼淚想來可笑;卻不知再回眸時,那些歡聲笑語也能叫我潸然淚下。


love and a cough cannot be hid. 愛情和咳嗽是藏不住的。

growth in wisdom may be exactlyi measured by decrease in bitterness. 智慧的增長可用痛苦的減少來精確衡量。

【morning~】don't expect things to happen. it's better to be surprised, than to be dissapointed——不要對生活抱有太多的期待,與其結果失望,不如收穫意外驚喜。

these days, no matter what our official employment status, we are all temporary workers. 如今,不管我們的正式職業狀況如何,我們都是臨時工。

rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. 從希望中得到歡樂,在苦難中保持堅韌。

[實用ee#英語#] 1) bee=蜜蜂;2) fee=費用;3) gee=驚訝聲,gee, she's hot=天啊,她好辣;4) lee=背風處;5) pee=小便,let me pee=讓我小便;6) see=看見;7) tee=[高爾夫]球座,he tees off=他發球;8) wee=極小的,i’m a wee bit sad=我有點難過;9) yee=叫人小心,yee, the police is here=嘿,警察來了

whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him. 不管是誰,匆匆忙忙只能説明他不能從事他所從事的工作。

【word#文字處理#的#英語#】1)align text left=靠左對齊文字;2)align text right=靠右對齊文字;3)center=文字置中;4)justify=左右對齊;5)font=字體;6)font size=字體大小;7)bold=粗體;8)italic=斜體;9)underline=底線;10)undo=復原鍵;11)cut=剪下;12)copy=複製;13)paste=貼上

愛情,要麼讓人成熟,要麼讓人墮落。love makes man grow up or sink down.

幻想在#上海咖啡館(coffee house)the living room學咖啡藝術the art of coffee] @瓶子咖灰館 在覓barista=咖啡師,咖啡師非coffee maker(咖啡機), coffee grinder=咖啡豆磨具, decaf coffee=無咖啡因咖啡. wake up and smell the coffee=清醒認清事實!@boasoin 那兒有木有結識朋友?

natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study;天生的能力好象天然生成的植物,必須通過學習加以修整.

實用#英語短句#] 1) got it?= 懂了嗎?;2) give me a break!=饒了我吧!;3) there's no point!=沒什麼道理![做此事無意義];4) it's out of the question!=不行/不可能!;5) don't screw this up!=別把這事搞砸了!;6) get to the point!=講重點!7) whatever it takes!=不計代價![把事情做好]

實用#黏貼##英語# 1) glue=膠, 也可當動詞the two of them are glued together in love=他們倆愛得如膠似漆;2) super-glue=強力瞬間膠;3) post-it notes=便利貼;4) velcro=維可牢;5) duct tape=喉管膠布;6) double sticky tape=雙面膠帶;7) scotch tape=透明膠帶;8) tape dispenser=膠帶切斷機

健康#英語段子# a tomato has four chambers and is red. the heart has four chambers and is red. all of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopene and are indeed pure heart food.番茄有四個腔室,是紅的;心臟也有四個腔室,是紅的.所有研究表明番茄飽含茄紅素,確實是純粹的心臟的食物

don't part with your illusions. when they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. 不要放棄你的幻想。當幻想沒有了以後,你還可以生存,但是你雖生猶死。

hold fast to dreams,for if dreams die,life is a broken-winged bird,hat cannot fly.緊緊地抓住夢想,因為夢想一旦破滅,生命就像斷翅的小鳥 ,再也不能飛翔。

【名人名言】the world is like a mirror, frown at it, and it frowns at you. smile and it smiles, too. —— 世界猶如一面鏡子:朝着它皺眉,它就朝你皺眉;朝着它微笑,它也會對你微笑。—— herbert samuels

i can accept failure but i can't accept not trying.-michael jordan.我可以接受失敗,但絕對不能接受自己都未曾奮鬥過——邁克·喬丹

【我叫不犯困】不要以為週末睡個懶覺就能把睡眠補回來,這會給你一種錯誤的安全感!don’t think you can just bank up your sleep on the weekend,it can give a false sense of security!


i have nothing to offer but blood, boil, tears and sweat.我能奉獻的沒有其它,只有熱血、辛勞、眼淚與汗水。

if you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. he doesn't have tenure.如果你認為你的老師嚴厲,等你有了老闆再這樣想。老闆可是沒有任期限制的。


you ask i love you is worth, actually you should know, love is to ask worth not worth it. ------- “你問我愛你值不值得,其實你應該知道,愛就是不問值得不值得。”

i like the subtle wind,and your are the beginning of a new day。我喜歡淡淡的風和你的微笑,它們都是新一天的開始

a well-written life is almost as rare as a well-spent one.寫得很好的生活和過得很好的生活幾乎一樣少。

[實用#英語短句#]1)take it or leave it=要不要隨你便;2)it is what it is=算了,事已至此,那就這樣唄[感歎無力改變現況;表情如圖];3)get over yourself=別自以為是了;4)bite me=你嚇唬不了我的;5)as if=屁,跟真的一樣;譬如, a説: i am the best(我是最牛的),b不屑地迴應: as if!(屁,胡扯)

[call電話英語]1)collect call=向受話人收費電話,i have no money left; i can only do a collect call=我沒錢,只能播對方付費電話;2)i will call you back=我會回電給你;3)phone fraud=電信詐騙,we must guard against phone fraud=我們須慎防電信詐騙; 4)let's call it a day=收工/今天在此告一段落

as well as smiling, meet the eyes of other people in the room.像保持微笑一樣,你還需要保持與房間內的其他人都有目光接觸。

[實用#英語短句#] 1) think out of the box!=擺脱固定的思維模式!;2) we're going to make it!=我們肯定搞得定!;3) take your time!=你慢慢來!;4) you got me!! =你難倒我了!;5)maybe some other time!!=下次吧!;6) here you are!=你要的東西在這/原來你在這! 7) catch you later!=待會兒聊/見

l like the subtle flow of cloud that makes the sky seem even more vast, azure and immense...我喜歡天空中那淡淡的雲,它將天空襯的更高更藍更寬……

just for today i will be happy. just for today ,i will study. i will learn something useful.就為了今天,我會很快樂。就為了今天,我會學習,學一些有用的東西。

who judges best of a man,his enemies or himself? 誰能最恰當地評價一個人,他的敵人還是他自己?


no body grows old merely by a number of years, we grow old by deserting our ideas. 人們漸長漸老不僅因為歲月的流失,更多的是因為我們對自己理想的背棄。

we talk much,we love only a little,and we hate too much; 我們説的多了,愛的卻少了,我們的仇恨也更多了。


admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. 要私下告誡朋友,但是要公開誇獎朋友。

he measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out. 衡量一個人真正的品質,要看他在知道永遠也不會被人發現的情況下做些什麼。

in love and cooking, you must give 100% effort... but expect little appreciation無論是烹飪還是愛情,都用百分之百的負責態度對待,但是不要乞求太多的回報。

英語短句]1)he cheats on her=他揹着她偷吃;2) don’t tease me=別挖哭/諷我;3)please make room=請借過;4)nice going=幹得好/漂亮;5)walls have ears=隔牆有耳;6) everything is in order?=一切都就緒/準備好了嗎?7)it paid off={辛苦付出}是值的且已得到回報了

snap out of it!= [別再糾結難過]振作起來!;2) just let your hair down=你就好好放輕鬆[男女皆適用];3) deal != 咱們就這麼説定了/一言為定! ;4) no biggie=沒事[沒啥大不了的];5) thumbs-up to you!=你表現很贊!加油!;6)you are so “anal” ['einl] =你很”嘰歪/難搞”

it is a great ability to be able to conceal one's ability. 深藏不露是一種了不起的才能。

實用#英語短句#] 1)don’t let it get to you= 別為這事心煩/苦惱;2)this too will pass=這糾結或痛苦終究會過去的;3)love me; love my dog=愛屋及烏;4)such a 3d loser=真是個幺蛾子[字面指“三維的庸才”,邊説此話,手可在額頭前擺如圖的手勢];5)it’s finger-licking good=這玩意真是“吮指美味”啊

real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. that is the art of life.真正的美麗源於生命裏的學習、成長和熱愛。這就是的藝術。

money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most.薪水固然重要,但這工作伴隨而來的責任更吸引我.

a smile is like a sim card and life is like a mobile phone. whenever you insert the sim card of a smile, a beautiful day is activated.—— 微笑就如sim卡,而生活好比手機。把微笑的sim卡插入生活的手機,美好的一天就激活了。


[如何#迴應道歉#的#英語#短句]:當別人道歉,説 i am sorry,你要表達"沒事"/“沒關係”,可以説:1) don't worry about it!;;2) no worries!;3) don't sweat it!;4) no sweat!;5) never mind it!;6) it's all cool!;7) it's okay!;8) it's alright!;9) it's fine!

always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but i never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry. 我知道再回首時,那些眼淚想來可笑;卻不知再回眸時,那些歡聲笑語也能叫我潸然淚下。


love and a cough cannot be hid. 愛情和咳嗽是藏不住的。

growth in wisdom may be exactlyi measured by decrease in bitterness. 智慧的增長可用痛苦的減少來精確衡量。

【morning~】don't expect things to happen. it's better to be surprised, than to be dissapointed——不要對生活抱有太多的期待,與其結果失望,不如收穫意外驚喜。