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欄目: 英語名言 / 釋出於: / 人氣:2.67W

you may think your life is a disaster now, but i know someday you'll have a beautiful life and you'll be the sun in someone else's sky. —— 也許你會覺得現在的生活是一場災難,但總有一天,你會過上幸福的生活,而且你將成為別人心中的太陽。


the rest, 2hand ;hat, lindex-

【實用口語】1、in your dreams! 作夢吧! 2、money makes the world go around. 有錢好辦事。 3、let it be!/take life as it comes. 順其自然吧! 4、keep it down! 別鬧了! 5 、what a great deal! 真划算! 6、eat your heart out! 羨慕吧!7、how would i know? 我怎麼知道?

love deeply and passionately. you might get hurt, but it's the only way to live life completely. 深深愛,狠狠愛。也許會受傷,但卻是活出完整人生的不二之法。

let your past make you better, not bitter. 讓你的過去推動你更多成長,而不是增添更多怨恨。

boots, alexander wang ;bag, givenchy ;sunnies, celine -

the greater transitions often cme out of smaller moments.小小的瞬間,通常會成就人生的巨大轉變。when we stop and look at who we are,當我們停下來審視自己時not only we see how far we've come我們不僅能看到自己走了多遠also how fa we still have to go.也會看到我們還有多遠的路要走。

the one only reason i'm fat is because a tiny body couldn't store all this personality.我胖的唯一原因,是太小的身體容納不了我飽滿的性格。

女:i hate the fact that you are way taller than me. (討厭你比我高好多)男:trust me there is an advantage in it. (相信我這有好處)女:what?(為神馬?) 男:when i hug you, you can listen to my heart which beats only for you. (我擁抱你時,你能聽到我只為你動的心跳)

nothing is simpossible, the word itself says "i'm possible"! —— audrey hepburn 一切皆有可能,因為英文“不可能”impossible這詞本身就在說“我能”i'm possible!——奧黛麗赫本

【口語二字句】1)廢話!bullshit! 2)夠了!enough! 3)閉嘴!shut up! 4)滾開!get out! 5)好爛!it sucks! 6) 免談!no need to discuss! 7)休想!over my dead body! 8) 沒門!no way! 9) 算了!forget it! 10)你敢?you dare? 11)糟了!勵志名人名言shit! / fuck!

sometimes, to get the best out of life, you go through some of the worst. no one said it would be easy. be strong. 有時候,為了享受生命中最美好的部分,你須要歷盡艱辛。誰說這是輕而易舉的事。挺住。

【這些土掉渣的英文名】aaron=阿榮;echo=二狗;gordon=狗蛋;ada=阿大;kenny=坑泥;dainel=大牛;daisy=大翠;steve=屎娣;simon=栓門;nicole=牛坑;amanda=阿毛大; peter=皮蛋;orson=狗剩;sunny=傻泥;david=大肥;sandra=栓豬兒;candy=坑娣;johnson=長剩;candy=坑娣

sequin skirt, stradivarius ;navy metalic tribtoo, yves saint laurent-

if a girl is silent, it’s ’ either:1. over thinking2. tired of waiting3. about to blow up4. needs a hug5. falling apart6. crying inside7. all of the above.如果一個女孩沉默了,是很危險的。。她可能:1想多了2厭倦了等待 3要爆炸了4需要擁抱 5崩潰了6心在哭泣7以上全部.

【你知道這些武俠人物的英文名嗎?】李莫愁 don't worry lee ;李尋歡 be happy lee ;常遇春 always meet spring ;楊不悔 no regrets young ;楊逍 happy young ;範遙 far fan ;王重陽 double sun king ;金輪法王 golden wheel-in-law ;謝遜 thankson ;黃藥師 dr. huang

who dares to cheat in the exam!看誰敢作弊!

if by life you were deceived/don't be dismal, don't be wild/in the day of grief, be mild/merry days will come, believe! 假如生活欺騙了你,不要悲傷,不要心急.憂鬱的日子裡需要鎮靜。相信吧,快樂的日子將會來臨。--pushkin

tennis 網球;racket 球拍;baseline ball 底線球;sideline ball 邊線球;straight ball 直線球;crosscourt 斜線球;high ball, lob 高球;low ball 低球;long shot 長球;short shot 短球;cut 削球;smash 抽球;網球衣 tennis togs;french open法網公開賽

never be afraid to be yourself. remember, an original is worth more than a copy. 永遠不要害怕做你自己。記住,原創永遠比盜版有價值。

we all have our time machines. some take us back, they're called memories. some take us forward, they're called dreams.我們都有自己的時間機器。有一些會帶著我們回去,它們叫做記憶;有一些會帶著我們往前,它們叫做夢想。--jeremy irons

【如何建立人脈 how to build up your own social network】1.學會適應環境 adjust yourself;2學會大方 be generous;3.學會謙卑 be humble;4.有禮貌 be polite;5.學會感恩 be grateful;6.遵守時間 be punctual;7.信守諾言 keep promises;8.學會忍耐 be tolerant

dress, the wardobe ;shoes, friis

fringe dress, kappahl ;foxy heels, jeffrey campbell ;dream catcher, camden market

【when we are young, we may want several love experiences. but as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. 年輕時會想要談很多次戀愛,但隨著年齡的增長,終於領悟到愛一個人,就算用一輩子的時間,還是會嫌不夠。】

你是不是一個時尚潮人呢?來測試下吧,看看下面這些英語潮詞你認識幾個?潮人:trendsetter發燒友:aficionado 骨感美女:boney beauty 卡奴:card slave 校花:school belle 校草:school beau 蹦迪:disco dancing 達人:big gun 電腦遊戲迷:gamer

black ripped skinny jeans, hudson jeans ;black army boots, vagabond ;off-white t-shirt, fifth avenue shoe repair ;black bowler hat, monki ;black leather belt, gina tricot

we build up our heroes , just to tear them down.(我們創造英雄,只為了毀滅他們。)附圖jim parsons

time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. you must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you. 時間在流逝,生命中人來人往。不要錯失機會告訴他們在你生命中的意義。-- isak dinesen

the clock hand can return to the original point,but it is not that of yesterday.鐘錶,可以回到起點,卻已不是昨天。

life is so short and time is fleeting in the present,all the things are of no consequence just like floating clouds.(人生苦短,光陰易逝。活在當下,其他神馬都是浮雲……)

forgive them, even if they are not sorry. 原諒他們,即使他們毫無歉意。

weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. 週末就像一道彩虹,遠觀貌美如花,近看浮雲飄渺

if you truly love someone, then the only thing you want for them is to be if it’s not with you - lauren

missing someone gets easier every day because even though it’s one day further from the last time you saw each other, it’s one day closer to the next time you will.想念某人總會一天天好過起來的的,因為雖然離上次見面又多了一天,可離下次見面不又近了一天麼

i randomly laugh when i remember something funny. 當我想起了神馬有趣的事情,我的笑容為隨機模式。

the masculine signs are aries, gemini, leo, libra, sagittarius and aquarius, whereas the feminine signs are taurus, cancer, virgo, scorpio, capricorn and pisces. 12星座中陽性星座有:白羊,雙子,獅子,天秤,射手和水瓶,而陰性的有金牛,巨蟹,處女,天蠍,摩羯和雙魚。

you’re probably hiding behind the clouds, you’re probably a star. 可能只是雲朵遮住你的光芒,沒準你是一顆耀眼的星星!

if you truly love someone, then the only thing you want for them is to be if it’s not with you - lauren

nobody is worth your tears, and the one who is won't make you cry. 沒人值得你為他流淚, 那個值得的人,不會讓你哭。

one second of true love can mend years of a broken heart.— monica arnold-brown 真愛的一剎那,就可以治癒多年的心碎。

what the alarm clock wakes up is only my body,not my sleeping heart。鬧鐘叫起的只是我的軀殼,叫不醒沉睡的心。


chess, vans ;torn, pull

【搞笑雙語】spending money is as easy as shitting, while earning money is as hard as eating shit. 花錢像拉屎一樣簡單,賺錢像吃屎一樣艱難。。。

a day without laughter is a day wasted. ------ 沒有大笑的一天,等於浪費了一天.

big or small, lies are lies. 不管大謊還是小謊,謊言就是謊言。

one of a the best feeling in the world is when you're hugging the person you love, and they hug you back even tighter.——世界上最美妙的一件事是,當你擁抱一個你愛的人,他竟然把你抱得更緊。

【cheers】英國人表示感謝的說法,thank you排第二十

we must overcome the notion that we must be robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre. 我們必須克服須要中規中矩的想法。這會讓你失去光彩照人的機會,讓你歸於平庸。-- uta hagen

you may think your life is a disaster now, but i know someday you'll have a beautiful life and you'll be the sun in someone else's sky. —— 也許你會覺得現在的生活是一場災難,但總有一天,你會過上幸福的生活,而且你將成為別人心中的太陽。

the rest, 2hand ;hat, lindex-

【實用口語】1、in your dreams! 作夢吧! 2、money makes the world go around. 有錢好辦事。 3、let it be!/take life as it comes. 順其自然吧! 4、keep it down! 別鬧了! 5 、what a great deal! 真划算! 6、eat your heart out! 羨慕吧!7、how would i know? 我怎麼知道?

love deeply and passionately. you might get hurt, but it's the only way to live life completely. 深深愛,狠狠愛。也許會受傷,但卻是活出完整人生的不二之法。

let your past make you better, not bitter. 讓你的過去推動你更多成長,而不是增添更多怨恨。

boots, alexander wang ;bag, givenchy ;sunnies, celine -

the greater transitions often cme out of smaller moments.小小的瞬間,通常會成就人生的巨大轉變。when we stop and look at who we are,當我們停下來審視自己時not only we see how far we've come我們不僅能看到自己走了多遠also how fa we still have to go.也會看到我們還有多遠的路要走。

the one only reason i'm fat is because a tiny body couldn't store all this personality.我胖的唯一原因,是太小的身體容納不了我飽滿的性格。

女:i hate the fact that you are way taller than me. (討厭你比我高好多)男:trust me there is an advantage in it. (相信我這有好處)女:what?(為神馬?) 男:when i hug you, you can listen to my heart which beats only for you. (我擁抱你時,你能聽到我只為你動的心跳)

nothing is simpossible, the word itself says "i'm possible"! —— audrey hepburn 一切皆有可能,因為英文“不可能”impossible這詞本身就在說“我能”i'm possible!——奧黛麗赫本

【口語二字句】1)廢話!bullshit! 2)夠了!enough! 3)閉嘴!shut up! 4)滾開!get out! 5)好爛!it sucks! 6) 免談!no need to discuss! 7)休想!over my dead body! 8) 沒門!no way! 9) 算了!forget it! 10)你敢?you dare? 11)糟了!勵志名人名言shit! / fuck!

sometimes, to get the best out of life, you go through some of the worst. no one said it would be easy. be strong. 有時候,為了享受生命中最美好的部分,你須要歷盡艱辛。誰說這是輕而易舉的事。挺住。

【這些土掉渣的英文名】aaron=阿榮;echo=二狗;gordon=狗蛋;ada=阿大;kenny=坑泥;dainel=大牛;daisy=大翠;steve=屎娣;simon=栓門;nicole=牛坑;amanda=阿毛大; peter=皮蛋;orson=狗剩;sunny=傻泥;david=大肥;sandra=栓豬兒;candy=坑娣;johnson=長剩;candy=坑娣

sequin skirt, stradivarius ;navy metalic tribtoo, yves saint laurent-

if a girl is silent, it’s ’ either:1. over thinking2. tired of waiting3. about to blow up4. needs a hug5. falling apart6. crying inside7. all of the above.如果一個女孩沉默了,是很危險的。。她可能:1想多了2厭倦了等待 3要爆炸了4需要擁抱 5崩潰了6心在哭泣7以上全部.

【你知道這些武俠人物的英文名嗎?】李莫愁 don't worry lee ;李尋歡 be happy lee ;常遇春 always meet spring ;楊不悔 no regrets young ;楊逍 happy young ;範遙 far fan ;王重陽 double sun king ;金輪法王 golden wheel-in-law ;謝遜 thankson ;黃藥師 dr. huang
