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欄目: 俚語 / 釋出於: / 人氣:2.07W




hot 惹火

have one"s cake and eat it too 既想留著蛋糕,又想吃(既要魚,又要熊掌)

hindsight is 20/20 事後的先見之明

hit stride 腳步走順了

hit the books 撞書(用功)

hit the hay 倒在稻草上(睡覺、就寢)

hit the jackpot 中了頭彩

hit the road 上路

hold the key to my heart 掌管我心靈的鑰匙

hold your horses 勒住你的馬(慢來)

hang somebody out to dry 把……晾起來了(把……坑苦了)

in one"s back pocket 在某人褲子後口袋裡(是某人的囊中之物)

in the dark 在黑暗中(茫然,什麼也不知道)

in the lime light 站在聚光燈圈裡(出風頭)

in the spotlight 站在聚光燈圈裡(出風頭)

It"s Greek to me. 希臘文(天書)

in the middle of nowhere 周圍什麼也沒有(前不見村,後不著店)

joined at the hip 連體嬰(死黨,從不分開的兩個人)

jump the gun 槍未響先偷跑(搶先)

just what the doctor ordered 正是大夫說的(對症下藥)

keep an ear to the ground 一耳貼地(注意新動向)

keep one"s fingers crossed/cross one"s fingers 把手指交叉成十字架(暗祈上蒼保佑)

kick the bucket 踢水桶(翹辮子)

kill two birds with one stone一 箭雙鵰,一舉兩得

kiss up to 討好

kitty corner 小貓的角落(斜對角)

knuckle sandwich 指節骨三明治(飽以老拳)


call it a night 一日事畢,可以睡覺了

can"t teach an old dog new tricks 老狗學不會新把戲

cash in my chips兌換籌碼(睡覺,就寢)

chicken 雞(膽小鬼)

circle the wagons 把篷車圍成一圈(嚴陣以待)

clean up one"s act 自我檢點,自我改進

come down in bucket 傾盆大雨

come down in sheets 整片整片地下(傾盆大雨)

cool your lips 冷靜下來

cost someone an arm and a leg 要花上一條胳膊一條腿(代價昂貴)

count on something /doing something 這事靠得住

count your chickens before they hatch 蛋還沒孵化,先數小雞(未雨綢繆)

crock 破瓦片(無用之物,廢話)

cross the line 跨過線(做得太過分了)

cross that bridge when we come to it 到了橋頭就過橋(船到橋頭自然直)

cry over spilled milk 為潑了牛奶而哭(為過去的失敗而懊喪)

cushion the blow 給墊著點兒(說話綿軟一點,以免打擊太重)


daily grind 例行苦事,每天得乾的苦工

days are numbered 來日無多

dead center 正當中

deadend street 死路,死巷子

dog 狗(醜八怪)

domino effect 多米諾骨牌效應

don"t hold your breath 別憋著呼吸(別期望太高)

don"t look a gift horse in the mouth 贈馬不看牙(收人禮物別嫌好道歹)

down to the wire 最後關頭

down under 南邊(常指面半球的澳洲)

downhill from here 從此都是下坡路(自此每況愈下)

drop the ball 掉了球(失職)
